9:00 am-
10:00 am
A Culture of Accessibility: It’s More Than You Think
Main Conference Room
Tara Congdon
Michael Murray
Alison Levy
Akinyemi Banjo
10:15 am-
11:30 am
DIG General Meeting and Election
Main Conference Room
Deaf In Government (DIG) will have a General Meeting and Election.
Deaf In Government Board
1:00 pm-
2:00 pm
The Importance of Accessibility in DEIA in the Federal Workspace for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Employees
Conference Room #2
This session will discuss the Section 508 Standards of the Rehabilitation Act and how they support the participation and success of Deaf or Hard of Hearing federal employees…
Timothy Creagan
Brooke Aiken
1:00 pm-
2:00 pm
Navigating Chaos: Strategies for Building Generational Wealth in Uncertain Times
Conference Room #1
Mariah Peaster
1:00 pm-
2:00 pm
Communication Partnerships Make Life Good!
Conference Room #3
Workplace communication is the most important part of career development. Forging a partnership with a designated interpreter can make a huge difference. Come talk about this powerful t…
Billy Kendrick
2:15 pm-
3:15 pm
What You Need to Know About Your Social Security Benefits
Conference Room #2
Federal employees in the FERS system benefit from an additional retirement income source through social security. This workshop will give a better understanding of the social security s…
Jeremiah Thompson
Stephanie Summers
2:15 pm-
3:15 pm
Active Shooter Preparedness Considerations for Persons with Access and Functional Needs
Conference Room #1
CISA deaf employee Jeremy Sebest will facilitate an Active Shooter Preparedness workshop in ASL.
Jeremy Sebest
2:15 pm-
3:15 pm
How to Create Accessible Virtual Meetings
Conference Room #3
The presentation will cover strategies for ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in online meetings using various platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Adobe Connect, WebEx, and so …